Protection against overload

Requirements for this lab: lb_vs_colors up and running, blue and green service bound, red not bound.

We will now do a fail-over server. Our deployment should switch over to another lb-vServer in case both, the blue and green service, go down.

Creating a non-addressable server

Usually, vServers have addresses, so users can connect. That’s not always desired. We will create a non-addressable server as a backup-server.

Bind the red service to it.

You now see our backup-vServer with an IP of and a port of 0. This vServer is available just inside Citrix ADC, not from outside.

Setting up failover

We open up lb_vs_colors. On the far right side, there is a list of additional options. One of these is Protection.

write into Redirect URL and select the lb_vs_backup as a Backup Virtual Server. Click OK.

  • Now disable the blue service. What is the health state of lb_vs_colors? Does this vServer still work?
  • Disable the green service as well. What is the health state of lb_vs_colors? Does this vServer still work? (it should – out ofd a sudden – change to red)
  • disable the red service as well. What is the health state of lb_vs_colors? Does this vServer still work? (it should redirect to google and show search results for “red”)

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